Available courses

  • Try to set aside time to dedicate your full attention to the e-learning modules and try to avoid interruptions. If possible, find a quiet environment to complete the modules. Important: If interrupted, close the course by clicking the X in the top right of your window instead of walking away. The system will time-out if the module remains in a prolonged period of inactivity and prevent it from being marked as complete. When appropriately closing a module, you will be able to reopen it where you last left off and successfully complete it.
  • Treat the e-learning experience as you would a classroom session with the goal of absorbing as much information as possible. This will help you retain knowledge and allow you to successfully complete short quizzes and/or the exam at the end of the curriculum. Important: You will have three chances to successfully complete the exam for a particular curriculum. If you do not pass the exam after a third try, the system will require you to go through the entire curriculum again before retaking the exam.
  • Keep earbuds or headphones available for modules that have video and/or audio embedded. Closed captioning is available.
  • Keep pen and paper available to take notes as needed.
  • You must complete this curriculum before you can register for the classroom follow-up session.
  • When you close this document make sure that it is marked Completed on the curriculum.

This curriculum introduces the user to the criminal process in the North Carolina Judicial Branch of government. This curriculum is a blended format, a combination of self-directed e-learning modules, and a classroom session. The classroom portion is a separate class for which one must register in the Learning Center.

The online curriculum is composed of three sections:

  1. Instructions on completing the curriculum
  2. Judicial Foundations
  3. Criminal Coursework

Building Trauma-Informed Courts

Welcome to the online training modules on trauma-informed courts. These modules will help you better understand trauma and what you can do to help address its effects on the people who appear in your courtroom. It will give you practical tools to more effectively interact with defendants, victims, and witnesses who have experienced trauma. These tools can help us realize some of our most critical goals: fewer repeat offenders, less crime, fewer victims, and healthier communities.

 The training series consists of an introduction and four modules. Modules are meant to be taken in order, and all modules are required for completion. The handouts are optional.


This course is designed to help improve the knowledge and understanding of judicial employees so they may safely respond to sovereign citizens and the challenges they present.

Judicial Branch Training © 2021
Organizational Development Division
NC Administrative Office of the Courts


NCAOC Human Resources Division designed this practice session to equip you with practical skills to analyze on-the-job situations for unlawful workplace harassment and apply appropriate actions. Harassment is discrimination. 

This session will reinforce responsibilities for both employees and supervisors related to discrimination within the Judicial Branch.


The Judicial Branch Unlawful Workplace Harassment Policy (adopted May 25, 2000) applies to all employees of all judicial officials and other hiring authorities within the North Carolina Judicial Branch.

The policy is based on federal and state law.

All officers, employees, and agents of the North Carolina Judicial Branch are protected under this policy.